In the face of a global recession, making changes to your website is one of the best ways to drive sales, bolster your business, and ensure you are as competitive as possible. There are a number of website updates you can make in order to encourage growth and boost sales even in uncertain economic times. 

Target Existing Customers

One of the most important things you can do is target existing customers who have purchased from your business before, since it is far more cost effective to keep a customer than to bring in a new one. Use email campaigns or targeted ads to bring them back, reminding them what they loved about your product or service in the first place. Consider offering discounts or incentives for customers who come back, as this will encourage them to purchase again.

Capture Email Addresses

Another way to reach customers is by collecting their email addresses. This allows you to send out newsletters and promotional offers that will keep people engaged with your brand and increase the likelihood of repeat purchases. Make sure you give customers a way to opt out if they no longer wish to receive emails from you so they don’t feel like they are being spammed.

Add Customer Testimonials

Testimonials from existing customers will help build trust with potential new customers, so make sure that you have some on display on your website. Ask previous customers if they wouldn’t mind leaving a review or testimonial about their experience working with you, and then feature it prominently on your website. This will show potential customers that other people have had good experiences with your business, which could help convince them to purchase from you too.

Use PDFs On Your Site

PDF files offer added security features such as password protection, which makes it difficult for cyber thieves to access sensitive data stored within them (e.g., credit card information). Additionally, PDF files are easier for search engines like Google to crawl, since the format doesn't require any extra work compared to other file types like HTML and CSS files. It’s smart to use this PDF filler that will allow you to capture information and signatures securely.

Implement SEO Practices

Search engine optimization (SEO) is essential for businesses that want their products and services to be visible online. To get started, research keywords related to your industry and use those keywords strategically across your web pages so search engines can find and rank them more easily. You should also link back internally when possible, as this helps Google crawl through the pages more effectively. Lastly, create content regularly so there is always something fresh for search engines to index.

Refresh Your Content

To keep people coming back and engaging with your site, it’s important to refresh content periodically so that it stays interesting and relevant. Consider adding new blog posts regularly or updating existing pages with new information, whatever works best for your specific business goals. This will not only make visitors more likely to return but also enhance their overall experience on the site.

Improve Page Loading Speed

Page speed plays an important role in how successful a website is, because if it loads too slowly, people won’t bother waiting around for it — which means fewer sales. Investigate ways that you can speed up loading times, like compressing images, minifying code, or using a caching plugin. All of these techniques can help improve page speed significantly so users don’t get frustrated while waiting for pages to load.


Making changes to your website can help drive sales even during difficult economic times when many businesses are cutting back due to fiscal uncertainty. Taking steps like targeting existing customers, utilizing secure PDFs, using budget-friendly SEO tools, and updating your content can go a long way toward helping you secure your business and take it into the future.