360clean Metro Atlanta


About Us

We innovated “cleaning for health” and now use this approach with all of our commercial cleaning services.

Our specialized approach protects your employees and clients from dangerous germs while protecting your company’s bottom line.

Most professional commercial cleaning services focus only on how an area looks. At 360clean, we take it a step further.

Our goal: create a healthy work environment for the safety of our clients, their customers, and their employees.

The most important attributes of clean cannot be seen. Germs live in every public building in the world.

No matter your industry, cleaning is important for your business.

This is why we offer our JaniMed® Cleaning System and processes. The system consists of specialized training, hospital grade disinfectants, touch surface disinfection, and state of the art equipment. We use the latest technology including micro-fiber towels and HEPA vacuums with four levels of filtration.

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360clean Metro Atlanta
360clean Metro Atlanta
360clean Metro Atlanta
360clean Metro Atlanta

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Mili Bergantinos